About company

ICSO Chemical Production Ltd. was established in 1992.

From the very beginning of its commercial life, our Company has been manufacturing the products which fall within the class of “organic chemicals”. As regards the capacity, we specialise in small-tonnage and medium-tonnage products for which both special manufacturing equipment and highly skilled staff are required. Our present employment is 160.

Close cooperation with leading domestic and foreign companies made it possible for us to expand the scope of our business in the Polish market, and it opened a new way for us to enter foreign markets and stay there.

We can offer, inter alia, the following products and services for which we have many years of practical experience:

  • Chemicals for road engineering
  • Services (e.g. toll-processing) within ethoxylation and chloromethylation
  • Chemicals employed in the production of telecommunication cables
  • Anticaking agents for fertilizers
  • Products for automotive and aircraft industries

Our activities have always been oriented on the quality and clients’ satisfaction. The continuous improvement process within that field was confirmed by implementation of the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, which made further development of our previous system operated pursuant to the requirements of ISO 9002 (certified in December 1997). This way of carrying out the quality policy allows for the conscious supervision over the production processes, further development of those processes and for complete implementation of the Company’s mission and strategy.

We invite you to take advantage of our experience as well as of our manufacturing potential and intellectual potential.